Yes I have finally won an award in my virtual world of Blogging.....
Thank you A Blue eyed Girl
Sorry guys n gals right now i am too choked with emotions but i have prepared a small acceptance speech of my own for such an occassion...
Kindly bear with me...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my dear ones...
First of all I would like to thank god and my parents in the same breath
I would like to thank all my friends for their encouragement
My regular readers (kindly identify yourself if you exist) except of course a blue eyed girl
All and sundry (for everybody i have not included or forgotten though if i have its intentional)
Its a nice feeling to be recognised and awarded and now i shall be pitching for the thinking blogger award
I always knew that i had it in me...
As there are no rules to pass it on like a tag and given the fact that i am bit selfish with awards i shall keep my award of thoughtful reader for some other time when i run out of topics and shayaris which i quite often do ....
P.S. : Let me know if i could get there i mean the various movie awards' dais with this small thanksgiving of mine.
Anyways thanks again a blue eyed girl all in light humor :-)
Congratulations! You have reached great heights in a very short time. Now the expectation is set you must ensure you keep it up.
On you question about reaching a movie awards dias - Well the answer is YES! Only condition is that you have to act in my remake of Padosan. The movie that will set screens alight with ground breaking cinema. The first time ever in the history of hindi movies we will show......
you didn't thank me!!
:) awwww glad u liked it my friend! wow thoughtful blogger, hope u get it! :)
Yes I always (also) knew u had in u all along ...
congratulations :)
aarzkiyahai: I shall rather think of alternative career option than act in your meaningful cinema :)
Neha (or should i call Vai&*) :) : All because of aarzkiyahai else you would have been left wondering for the rest of your life who this secret admirer was :) wouldn't you ???
A Blue eyed girl : Of course i loved it didn't you see how i am flaunting it on my blog. Thank you so much.
Alok : Great to see that you took time off from your busy schedule to drop by. Hope work gets managable for you.
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